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Fundraising efforts are officially underway! Help us build this enduring memorial to Reverend Ike, who founded the United Church in Beaufort, South Carolina, in 1962. Click here for more.

The Reverend Ike Resource Center

At 11:00 am on November 28, 2023 a gathering of people from all walks, unified by the impact of Reverend Ike in their lives, joyously celebrated the groundbreaking of the future Reverend Ike Resource Center, dedicated to his legacy of life-changing ministry.

The soulful ceremony, led by Bishop Jack Bomar, featured stirring Gullah songs from the Fellowship Community Choir, heartfelt words from Rev. Mrs. Ike, local clergy and government officials, Yoruba libation and blessing of the land by Oba Adejuyigbe Adefunmi II and members of the Oyotunji African Village, West African drumming and chanting with Rev. Ike's son, Xavier Eikerenkoetter, and a ceremonial turning of the soil by family and board members.

The forthcoming center is to be located on the property at United Church for All People in Beaufort, South Carolina, the first church Rev. Ike built in the beloved Low Country land of his origins, that served as both his nurturing grounds and launching pad to the heights of metaphysical evangelistic ministry.

The building will serve as a global destination, resource, and community center that honors the historic legacy of Rev. Ike. It will contain artifacts, personal belongings, writings, recordings, books that Rev. Ike used in his studies, and more (maybe even one of his cars!). It will introduce and inspire visitors with the man, the message, the ministry, and the mind known as Rev. Ike.

Arial view of the Reverend Ike Resource Center, to be built next to the UNITED Church, Beaufort, SC.

Watch the inspirational groundbreaking ceremony held in November 2023.

Photo (from left to right): Annette and Xavier Eikerenkoetter, and Rev. Mrs. Ike/Eula Dent Eikerenkoetter (Reverend Ike’s daughter-in-law, son, and wife), “Rev. Kev” Kevin Kitrell Ross, Senior Minister and Spiritual Director Unity of Sacramento Church, and Bishop Dr. Jack L. Bomar, Presiding Minister, Hillside International Truth Center and UNITED Church in Beaufort, SC.

Photo Album

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In the News

Beaufort preacher became world famous. Here’s how his first church will honor his legacy.

By Karl Puckett,
Reporter, The Beaufort Gazette

12.05.2023 | The Beaufort Gazette